How to Easily Clean Your Fruits and Veggies with an Ultrasonic Cleaner

How to Easily Clean Your Fruits and Veggies with an Ultrasonic Cleaner

Did you know your favorite fruits and vegetables may have an invisible layer of pesticide on their skins? Strawberries, cherries, grapes, pears, lettuce, spinach, etc., allow ample space for different types of pesticides to stay on their skins, making it more challenging for traditional cleaning methods. 

This is where an ultrasonic vegetable cleaner saves the day. These devices use groundbreaking ultrasound technology to clean your food, especially your favorite fruits and vegetables, without damaging their tender skin or reducing their nutritional value.  

So, join us as we explore these lightweight yet powerful fruit and vegetable cleaners — their inspiring features and how they ensure healthy and fresh organic produce.  

Why Cleaning Fruits and Veggies Is Important

Germs, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals may enter our bodies through food items. This makes washing fruits and vegetables a must-do act before cooking or having them raw. 

Close-up of bell peppers at home

Below are some common reasons for using a fruit and vegetable wash for cleaning fruitage:

Pesticides Removal

FDA and USDA revealed a list of Dirty Dozen, the twelve most common fruits and veggies that may contain 210 pesticides. The greengrocery contains about 110 pesticides, while 50 different pesticides, including natural pesticides, are found in every other fruit or vegetable.

So, even if you wash them before use, the above shocking stats make this step uncompromising for apparent reasons.

Reduce the Risk of Foodborne Illnesses

While moving through the supply chain, vegetables, particularly leafy greens, can carry harmful bacteria. Greengrocery items, such as spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, and lettuce, may cause foodborne illnesses if consumed without proper washing.

Eliminate Unwanted Dirt and Debris

In addition to germs and bacteria, fruits and vegetables also contain traces of dust, soil, and irrigated water, leading to food contamination. This is why it is important to wash these items with clean water. For thorough cleaning, you can use a fruit and veggie wash, such as the ultrasonic vegetable cleaner.     

Preserve Freshness

Proper cleaning eliminates bacteria, mold, and spores from your produce. This way, your veggies and fruits can last longer. 

Ensure Natural Taste

The dirt and debris present on the fruits and vegetables can affect their flavor. To get the enhanced natural taste and texture of these organic food sources, you have to wash them before use.  

You can clean your produce effectively by rinsing them in clean water. Tougher produce may need a gentle scrub under running water. But if you’re looking for an efficient way of cleaning your fruits and vegetables, use the Ultrasonic Vegetable Cleaner.  

What Is an Ultrasonic Cleaner and How Does It Work?

An ultrasonic cleaner revolutionizes washing and cleaning by leveraging high-frequency sound waves. The device produces modulated sound waves to clean items submerged in water, alcohol, detergent, or other cleaning liquid.

These waves travel underwater, reaching the hidden corners of intricate objects to remove tiny dirt particles, pathogens, or other forms of contamination. The device is capable of cleaning jewelry items, surgical instruments, electronics, and even foodstuff.

For all the clean freaks who don’t want to compromise on their loved ones’ health, an ultrasonic vegetable cleaner is the right choice! 

How Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine Works

The use of ultrasound in cleaning vegetables and fruits has improved the production efficiency and quality of these produce. So, how does an ultrasonic cleaning machine work? Let’s find out.  

  • Generating Ultrasonic Waves: The transducer in the ultrasonic cleaning machine produces high-frequency waves through a liquid. The waves collide with each other and the object’s surface to form tiny (yet powerful) bubbles.
  • Cavitation Process: The best ultrasonic cleaner generates microscopic bubbles near the object’s surface. While bursting, these bubbles produce powerful shockwaves. This rapid formation and collapse of bubbles is called cavitation.   

  • Microscopic Cleaning: The bubbles are so small they can reach small crevices, corners, and holes, loosening dirt, oil stains, grime, and even bacteria.      
  • Rinsing: After cleaning, you only have to remove the residual cleaning solution or loosened debris. For this purpose, rinse the items with clean water.

What Items Can You Clean with the Best Ultrasonic Cleaner?

  • An ultrasonic cleaning machine is effective in sanitizing medical equipment. It removes contamination without damaging the item.

  • You can use this device to clean small and delicate items like watches, earrings, rings, etc.

  • You can also use your ultrasonic cleaning machine as a “fruit and vegetable wash.”

  • It can efficiently clean electronic circuit boards with tiny, intricate structures.

  • This device can also be used to clean automotive parts, machine tools, and components tailored to industrial setups.   

Benefits of Using an Ultrasonic Cleaner for Fruits and Vegetables

As explained above, ultrasonic cleaning machines can wash away dirt and debris from vegetables and fruits in a much better way than simple washing. In fact, the latter approach doesn’t often work on veggies with soft skins. 

Here are some advantages of an ultrasonic vegetable cleaner over conventional cleaning methods:

Best for Fruits and Vegetables with Intricate Surfaces

Vegetables and fruits like broccoli, strawberries, and lettuce have intricate surfaces. Dirt, pesticides, and contaminants can easily hide in their intricate surfaces. 

The problem is when you rub them using your hands or a soft scrub, the skin might peel off, or the green leaves will get damaged. Or worse, the items will lose essential nutrients during the cleaning process. 

This is an ideal situation for an ultrasonic vegetable cleaner because it can reach tiny pores and irregular surfaces, removing contamination without damaging the produce.   

Simple vs. Microscopic Bubble Wash

A simple fruit and veggie wash may not work effectively on produce with traces of pesticides or irrigated water. Also, the grime can be difficult to wash away with a simple cleaning technique.

In contrast, microscopic bubble wash can remove those prominent signs. Moreover, your ultrasonic vegetable cleaner ensures that the produce is safer for consumption, especially the ones concerned about chemical exposure.  

Lessens the Risk of Foodborne Diseases

Ultrasonic fruit and veggie wash can remove bacteria - Salmonella, Listeria, E.coli, etc. — without damaging the produce’s surface. Its groundbreaking cavitation technology makes it a must-have item for every household, especially those with kids. 

Pesticide and Contamination Removal

EWG’s updated guide revealed that whole fruits and vegetables, often consumed by babies, contain more pesticide contamination than their non-organic counterparts. Worried? Don’t be, because your ultrasonic vegetable cleaner can protect your toddlers. 

Coming back to the cavitation process, it produces shockwaves that break the chemical bonds. As a result, the pesticides lose their grip on the surface and are lifted off. 

Similarly, the best ultrasonic cleaner can also remove other chemical contaminants, including fertilizers, herbicides, and industrial residues that can sometimes adhere to the produce.

Bacterial Removal

The simplest answer to the burning question “Can ultrasonic waves remove bacteria?” is a straightforward, Yes! Harmful bacteria, such as E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella, often cling to the surface of fruits and vegetables. 

The ultrasonic cleaning process helps remove these unwanted intruders, ensuring clean and healthy food for all family members. 

Helps Maintain the Nutritional Quality

Ultrasonic cleaners do not use heat, so they help maintain the nutritional quality and freshness of fruits and vegetables. They remove contaminants without damaging the produce or affecting its shelf life.

Quick and Effective

Ultrasonic cleaners can clean large batches of fruits and vegetables quickly and thoroughly, saving time compared to manual washing methods, especially when dealing with bulk produce.

Suitable for Soft Produce

The cleaning process is gentle enough for soft and delicate produce, such as berries and leafy greens, which can be easily bruised or damaged through traditional scrubbing or washing.

Environmentally Friendly Approach

Research shows that devices featuring ultrasonication are eco-friendly and cost-effective. Practically speaking, you need a container filled with water to clean your vegetables and fruits instead of running water, meaning optimal resource utilization.  

Long-term Savings

Although an ultrasonic cleaner may require an initial investment, it can lead to long-term savings by helping reduce food waste. Cleaner produce stays fresher for longer, and less produce is thrown away due to spoilage or contamination.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Fruits and Veggies with an Ultrasonic Cleaner

Finally, you’ve decided to have one for your kitchen. Not yet? Or maybe you want to ensure that an ultrasonic vegetable cleaner is safe, especially when kids are around. The following step-by-step process will remove all your doubts. 

Fill Up the Water in a Container

Fill up the container (you can take a bowl if you want to wash berries) with water. It should be large enough to accommodate both your produce and the ultrasonic cleaner.  

Load the Produce in a Container

Now, put your veggies and fruits in the container, ensuring spaces in between to let the waves do the magic. Bare in mind that:

  • The produce should be fully submerged in the water. 

  • Overloading the tank — or staking veggies — is a big NO, as it’ll reduce the cleaning efficiency.  

Set the Cleaning Time

Set the ultrasonic cleaning machine to run for 2-3 minutes. Softer or more delicate produce may require a shorter time. For example, strawberries should take no longer than two minutes. Sturdier items might need a bit longer.

Adjust Temperature (Optional) 

Some ultrasonic cleaners have temperature controls. If your cleaner has this feature, set it to a low temperature (around room temperature) since high heat can damage the fruits and vegetables.

Start the Cleaning Process

Turn on the ultrasonic vegetable cleaner and let the cavitation process begin. You’ll notice tiny bubbles forming around the produce as the ultrasonic waves clean them.

Side view woman talking on phone

Keep an eye on the cleaning process. If the water becomes noticeably dirty, consider changing it halfway through the cycle for better results.

Rinse the Produce

The ultrasonic vegetable cleaner goes off automatically, indicating you can take out the veggies from the container. Notice that the water has gotten dirty? It’s an indication that all the dirt, debris, and contamination have loosened. 

Now, take another container with fresh water and rinse the fruits and vegetables. Or you can simply rinse them under running water and remove the remaining traces. 

Dry the Produce

Lay the fruits and vegetables out on a clean towel or drying rack to air dry. Alternatively, gently pat them dry with a clean towel.

Clean the Ultrasonic Cleaner

A portable ultrasonic vegetable cleaner, such as Sonic Soak, will turn off automatically. When the work is done, wipe it dry and store it in a dry place. 

Some products come with their own water tank. After draining the tank, rinse it with clean water to remove any residual dirt or debris. 

Best Ultrasonic Cleaners for Fruits and Vegetables

Here are our top picks for ultrasonic cleaners suitable for all kitchens, big and small. 

Sonic Soak Fruit and Vegetable Washing Machine

If you’re looking for industrial-grade cleaning of your veggies and fruits, there’s no better option than Sonic Soak. This small device is a powerhouse, generating ultrasonic waves up to 50 kHz, which should be enough to clean small textured berries and the most complicated ones, lettuce and spinach. 

Its sound wave frequency matches the industrial-grade models used for processing bulk batches. The microscopic cavitation generates tiny yet high-powered bubbles to dislodge the toughest contaminants while ensuring gentle treatment. 

This portable and lightweight device offers a thorough fruit and veggie wash while maintaining eco-friendly and smooth operation all the way!  

AquaPure Fruit and Vegetable Washing Machine

AquaPure Purifier is a compact fruit and vegetable cleanser made as per international standards. This lightweight fruit and veggie purifier boasts IPX7 waterproofing, which makes it a safer option for food-cleaning. It offers effortless and gentle cleaning, preserving the soft and fresh texture.

The AquaPure Fruit and Vegetable Washer also works efficiently on baby foods, meat, seafood, beans, and grains. Or if you want to sanitize your baby’s toys, teethers, and feeding bottles, AquaPure can do it within 5 minutes.    

HeyJar Fruit Purifier

HeyJar Fruit and Vegetable Washing Machine boasts Hydroxy Water Ion Purification Technology to decompose contaminants and dislodge harmful ingredients from your fruits and veggies. It features a powerful rechargeable battery that can operate for up to 25 minutes on a single charge. 

Suitable for all types of organic and raw foods, utensils, kids' toys, tablecloths, and more, HeyJar Fruit and Vegetable Washer is capable of removing up to 99% of contaminants. The product comes with a 90-day worry-free and new replacement warranty.

How Ultrasonic Cleaning Removes Pesticides and Contaminants

Both compact and portable ultrasonic cleaners ensure industrial-grade fruit and vegetable wash at home. It’s a safe, secure, and efficient cleaning process, preserving your produce’s nutritional value. 

So, how is it possible to deep-clean veggies and fruits without heating or steaming them? Here are the details: 

The Cavitation Process

As the name suggests, ultrasonic vegetable cleaners are capable of generating high-frequency sound waves, causing disruptions in a liquid.

These powerful waves — with 20 kHz - 400 kHz frequency — create high and low-pressure zones around the object. The process is quite fast. 

  • During the low-pressure phase, microscopic bubbles (cavitation bubbles) form in the liquid.

  • On the other hand, these bubbles rapidly implode during the high-pressure phase. When they collapse, they produce powerful shockwaves. 

Shockwave Strikes the Items’ Surfaces

The imploding bubbles generate energy in the form of shockwaves. These shockwaves strike the surface of the submerged fruits and vegetables, disrupting the bond between the contaminants. As a result, the pesticides, dirt, and bacteria are dislodged from the item’s surface. 

Cleaning the Tiny Crevices 

The ultrasonic waves penetrate the small pores and crevices on the textured or porous surfaces of your produce to lift contaminants hiding in those small invisible spots. This results in a more comprehensive cleaning compared to traditional methods. 

Enhanced Cleaning

Since you’re cleaning fruits and vegetables, you can do it with plain water. Ultrasonic cleaners can effectively remove contamination without a detergent. But if you want faster or more powerful cleaning, add a mild, food-safe detergent in the water. 

The detergent actively dissolves oils, waxes, or other residues that may trap pesticides or dirt. This way, the cavitation process can efficiently remove stubborn contaminants.   

Rinse the Produce

Once the process is complete (when you notice the water in the container becoming dirty), you can remove the fruits and vegetables and rinse them under running water to wash away any remaining particles or dislodged debris.

Tips for Getting the Best Results with Your Ultrasonic Cleaner

We have already discussed some of the essential steps while using an ultrasonic cleaning machine. The tips below will further clarify the cleaning process.

Use of Water

Use plain water to initiate the cleaning process. Using plain water ensures the longevity of your ultrasonic vegetable cleaner. 

  • Do not use strong chemicals or toxic solutions to clean the produce. 

  • You can enhance the cleaning process by adding some vinegar or a mild, food-safe detergent.

The Container

To see your ultrasonic vegetable cleaner performing at high efficiency, 

  • Use a spacious container to accommodate the produce and the ultrasonic vegetable cleaner. 

  • All the produce should be submerged in water to support the cavitation process.

  • There must be adequate space between the items so bubbles and resulting shockwaves can penetrate small holes and crevices.

Suitable Temperature

The best ultrasonic cleaner performs well at room temperature. However, in colder regions, you can use slightly warm water for efficient cleaning. 

  • Maintain the ideal temperature under 30 Celsius (or 86 Fahrenheit).  

  • Avoid using excessively hot water as it can damage delicate fruits and veggies. Most vegetables and fruits are sensitive to heat and lose their nutrients at high temperatures. 

Cleaning Time

Adjust the cleaning time based on the produce type. 

  • Berries, leafy greens, and other delicate produce should be cleaned for 2-3 minutes. Over-cleaning can damage their surface. 

  • Apples, carrots, and other harder produce should be cleaned for up to 5 minutes.

Use the Right Frequency

The frequency of sound waves plays a key role in the whole cleaning process. 

  • Set the frequency high for delicate produce. A frequency in the range of 40 - 50 kHz offers a gentler cleaning process as it generates smaller bubbles. 

  • Set lower frequencies (between 20 and 25 kHz) for harder produce, such as root vegetables. Lower frequency generates more intense cavitation to remove stubborn dirt. 

For Large Batches

Do not clean large batches in the container with the same old water. 

  • Dirty water becomes saturated with contaminants. So, be prepared to change the container water frequently.  

  • Rinse the produce between cleaning cycles if there are multiple batches. It will prevent cross-contamination. 


Heavily soiled vegetables may release dirt and debris in the water container before cavitation starts. So, give it a quick pre-rinse under running water beforehand.

Maintaining Your Ultrasonic Cleaner for Optimal Performance

Like every kitchen tool, your fruit and vegetable wash requires proper maintenance. There’s no rocket science in maintaining your ultrasonic vegetable cleaner. Simply follow these guidelines (or see the manufacturer’s manual).

Regularly Clean the Water Tank

Don’t compromise on cleaning. Your cleaner’s tank is the major component that requires regular cleaning. So, after it finishes the day’s work, drain the tank thoroughly and remove unwanted contaminants by rinsing it with running water.  

Leave no traces of water by wiping the interior with a soft towel or a sponge. The material should not be abrasive or hard enough to deteriorate the cleaner’s material over time. 

Before storing your ultrasonic vegetable cleaner, ensure no sign of water at the bottom to avoid bacterial or fungal growth.

Use Distilled Water

Tap water may contain high mineral content, leaving deposits inside the tank. Hard water can also impact the cleaner’s performance. 

To avoid this, use distilled water to minimize the risk of mineral buildup. It will also help your ultrasonic cleaner perform smoothly for a longer period. 

Prevent Mineral Buildup

If you cannot use distilled water, use a descaling solution to occasionally clean your ultrasonic cleaning machine. For this purpose, prepare a solution by mixing water with white vinegar.

  • Let it sit inside the water tank for a few minutes. 

  • Drain the tank and rinse it thoroughly with clean water.

  • Dry the tank.

Apply this cleaning technique after every 10-20 uses. 

Regular Check and Clean the Transducer

A transducer generates ultrasonic waves through the water. Since it performs underwater, it can collect dirt and debris over time. It should be free of obstructions in order to perform at its highest potential. 

Therefore, gently clean the transducer with a damp cloth after it finishes the day’s job. Avoid using chemicals or scrubs, or you’ll damage this component. 

Inspect the Power Cord

Portable ultrasonic vegetable cleaners run on batteries, while bigger models may have power cords and plugs.  

  • Inspect the power cord and plug for signs of wear and tear. If you notice loose connections, fraying, or damage, replace the cord immediately.

  • Keep the power cord and plug dry all the time.

Follow the Manufacturer’s Guidelines

The user manual offers specific maintenance and usage instructions. It also recommends the best cleaning solutions according to the model and make. So, adhere to the manufacturer’s manual to prevent the risk of damage.

Final Thoughts

The best ultrasonic cleaner will take minutes to clean your fruits and vegetables. It relieves you from wetting your hands and scrubbing your produce under the tap water. But more importantly, the ultrasonic vegetable cleaner minimizes the risk of foodborne illnesses that simple cleaning fails to address.

Now that you have all the information about these intelligent cleaning devices, you can shop more confidently. But if you’re still confused, we recommend Sonic Soak, the ultimate cleaning tool for organic food products, jewelry items, toys, and other small items. 

Clean deeper, and stay healthier!

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